Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Kankanaey Artifacts


Pak e
 -- a necklace like, use by the Royal Ladies in the olden times

Pak e is a decorated
rtifacts to the royal ladies.
eeping this is not easy

Every maiden in a family is            
given this as a remembrance from their grandmother

Salinggut and Duli    


 -- A decorative artifacts for

 the royal ladies

- Long time ago, Royal ladies are the ones who can only use this

- When they will go to the Dap-ay and do the so called “Begnas”, they use this salinggut

  Artifacts for the royal ladies just
  Like Pak-e
  In general, this is a
  Native thing that once had belong to      their
Great great
Grandmother. Just like Pak-e, it is
Use In a
Traditional rituals and


-- Bone of “IDEW”, "pang-abak da sinan    
Duli is
Use for traditional ceremonies, just
Like Salinggut and Pak-e 

It is only use by the Royal ladies during the olden times


--A container where they put Rice Wine

Gusi is
Use by the royal blood
Some old men are bringing this at the Dap-ay after
  making rice wine
It is use in ceremonies and rituals that has to be done


--Use as a plate or commonly use for eating

 Is a plate use for eating .
This is made
Up of rattan .
This is an artifact
Of some place in sagada


--Use as a Lunch Box

Tupil is like a tupperware, that can be also
Use as a
In the other hands, people use it as there
Lunch box


-- A thing where you put seeds or plants when you are going to plant
-       It is usually being tied to your waist

 Atubang is a
Thing that is 
Use in planting. It is
Being tied to your    
And it is a very big help, for it is
Nice and really
Great because plastics aren't use

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